Wells House Restoration Project

The Wells House Restoration Project is looking for volunteers and donors to help with the restoration of Wells House. There are a number of volunteer positions available and monetary donations are welcome. If you are a construction professional, donations of materials and labor will also be welcome when the work begins.

If you are interested in participating in the restoration project, please complete the form below and click the submit button.

The Wells House Restoration Project is designated as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Please consult with your tax professional regarding charitable donations.

Wells House Restoration
Volunteer or Donor Form

Last Name, First Name

E-mail address

I am interested in participating in the restoration project by

making a financial donation
donating materials & labor

Volunteer position I am most interested in

fund raising
committee chairman
special projects

(please enter amount or type of materials)

Financial $
Checks should be made payable to Wells House Restoration Project and mailed to PO Box 1234, Wenatchee, WA 98807



Contact us:

The Wells House Restoration Project
PO Box 0000
Wenatchee, WA 98807
phone: 509.000.0000
e-mail: iansfolks@gmail.com