Wells House circa 2009Wells House: The Restoration Project

The Wells House, built in 1909 and located on the Wenatchee Valley College campus, is in need of restoration to bring it back to functional use. The Wells House Restoration Project committee is looking for support from the community to achieve this objective.

In 2004, the house was assessed by architects and structural, mechanical, electrical, and civil engineers. Their reports highlight the overall condition of the structure. Updates and repair will be needed to the electrical and plumbing systems and the foundation. Research into making the structure ADA accessible while retaining the building's historic character will need to be done. Overall, the studies showed that the architectural integrity and existing physical condition of the building is average to good.

The building is an “arts & crafts – craftsman” style designed by Mrs. W. T. Clark. It is listed on both the Washington State and National Register of Historic Places for agricultural and architectural significance. As such, all construction work is subject to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Proper compliance requires that a “plan for rehabilitation” be performed for each project and submitted for approval to the Washington State Historic Preservation Office. Depending on the nature and extent of the work, the process can be lengthy.

Over the past 100 years, the Wells House has been used as a private residence, college classrooms and dormitory, and as office space. Most recently, the first floor and the grounds have been used for weddings, receptions, and meetings with participation limited to 75 people or less.

With restoration of the house, it will be an asset to Wenatchee Valley College and the community for use as a conference center, as office space, and a special event venue.

Wells House History | WVC and Wells House | Floor Plans | Proposed Restoration | Volunteer and Donation Form

Pat Phillips
December 2009

Grateful acknowledgement is given to the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center, Wenatchee Valley College, the Wells House Committee, and Wells House Caretaker Curtis Peart for the use of the information and photographs contained in this Web site.

Photo of Wells House on this page by Curtis Peart.